
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Report from February 2014's Uganda Medical Mission Trip

Mission Link’s US team of 23, comprised of people from at least 6 different churches, arrived in Entebbe, Uganda, on Monday, February 10. From there, they made the 4-hour trek to Jinja, which served as the team’s home base during their 10-day stay.  Each day, the team shared breakfast together, followed by a short time of teaching by a local pastor. Then the team loaded up and headed out to a remote village to minister to the community through medical clinics, eyeglass clinics, VBS for children, and crusades.  The US team was bolstered by the partnership of MLI’s Uganda team. Together, the teams were able to provide medical care for over 1,500 villagers (missing stats from Kangulumira and Nankoola) in their 6 days of medical campaigns. The teams served the villages of Namagera, Bulamuka, Kangulumira, Nankoola, Kagoma, and Busana.

In addition to the medical clinics helping large numbers of people, the vision team tested and fit over 450 people with glasses. This year was the first year the MLI team was able to test people’s vision, so we were able to dspense both reading and distance glasses. People are desperate for help and resources are limited in Uganda. The medical and vision assistance MLI provides to locals through its missions is vital, but for many the effects will not be long-lasting. Glasses break, eyesight worsens, medicines are consumed, people get sick again. That’s why the most important piece of any MLI mission is carrying the Gospel wherever we go.  The most recent MLI team was blessed to have 5 pastors among its 23 members. The US pastors were able to teach native pastors at MLI’s pastor school, as well as preach at a local church’s daily fellowship gathering. The fellowship gathering was broadcast over the radio, so the Truth of Jesus went out over the airwaves to thousands of people every day! Pray with us that the seeds that were planted through the messages of these faithful pastors will take root and grow in the hearts of the Ugandans who heard them over the radio.  But sharing the Gospel message wasn’t just for pastors. Team members were encouraged to “make the most of every opportunity” (Ephesians 5:15) to share God’s message of love and forgiveness with everyone--not just the villagers served through the clinics, but with the hotel staff, the Uganda MLI team, and people we encountered around Jinja.

On a typical day, the medical campaign would begin with a crusade, including music led by the Uganda MLI team followed by a message from one of the US pastors (translated into Lugandan
by the local team members). During the day, team members had the opportunity to serve in the evangelism tent, where villagers would come before getting their prescriptions and/or glasses. They would hear the Gospel again, as well as be able to receive prayer. Throughout the 6 days, over 509 people came to know Christ. New churches were planted in Kangulumira and Nankoola. On their first Sunday, Kangulumira had 25 adults, along with children; Nankoola had 52 adults and 37 children. Join us in praying for the pastors of these new churches and for those who have recently come to know Christ as Savior. Pray for boldness and effectiveness in reaching others with the Good News! The Gospel didn’t stop there, though. Many evenings found team members sharing the
Good News with the hotel staff as we ate or checked email in the reception area. Pray for the
Triangle Hotel staff to come to know Jesus as Savior. 

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