
Friday, July 27, 2012

Why We Do Missions? 4.6 Billion!

Well, first of all, We are commanded to do Mission Work by The Lord Jesus Christ Himself!
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)

But let us look at another point that David Platt mentions so well in his book, "Radical".
As of me writing this post, today's world population is 7,028,976,806!
That is over Seven BILLION with a "B".

Liberally, the number of people in the world that claim to be Saved or "Christian" ends up being about One Third (1/3).  Most likely not all of them are Christ followers.  But if we assume they are, mathematically, this would and should lead us to believe that approximately +4.6 Billion people are NOT Saved!  Meaning, they are separated from God in their sins and would spend eternity in hell if nothing changes.

Can You Grasp that number... +4.6 BILLION People (Souls) that were made in God's own image and who He longs to have a relationship with, are LOST. This alone should be enough to cause us to say YES, Lord.... Here am I, send me!

Fact: Most of them live Outside of the United States.

Where in the Bible  is missions or mission work an optional program?  Being a Christian and following Christ as Lord puts ALL of us On Mission and those same words He spoke to His disciples, He spoke to us!

Another great point David Platt brings out is that so many people in the U.S. make comments like,
"What about our own people here in our communities or country?"  Most of these statements or comments are just smokescreens of people that do not want to heed the Call or be obedient to the Lord's Command.
I know, I used to be one of those guys saying the same exact thing but once I put my heart in line with His Heart and went to Uganda and saw first hand God's Moving through the Saving of Souls...

"It Blew My Mind!" and it will Bless Your Socks Off too!!!

So... won't you prayerfully consider a Short-Term Mission Trip?

See previous posts to help you get READY~!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Amazing News from Itukulu, Uganda

Awesome News from Uganda from one of our fellow Brothers-In-Christ, Reagan!

The email message below was sent/forwarded to us from Sister Terri Hansen.  Terri has been on numerous mission trips and works with the children in each of the villages we go and setup medical clinics while sharing the Love of God through Jesus Christ!

Just some info on Reagan: He has helped Terri and has a passion for working with the children by sharing the Good News of Jesus with them. I hope you enjoy the message and can see the blessing in it.

From: Terri

Subject: Joy from Itukulu

I have to share this with you guys!  I can't tell you how HUGE it blessed my heart!
You may remember how very disappointed I was that day we were headed to Itukulu and didn't make it because of the riots on the road on route.  Well, Reagan saw how very sad I was and promised me that he would go out to Itukulu with Grace, his precious bride, and do a children's program when he had the opportunity.
Since it was the last day of our mission on the field I left everything I had with him, my visuals, balls and stickers, New Testaments, and salvation bracelets.  Reagan has worked alongside me for two missions so he knows it all well!
So last week my heart was thrilled to receive these pictures....Reagan and Grace went to Itukulu and spent the day with the children!
This was the most huge HUG from God.  Many think we GO to bless, oh, I am the more rich one for the blessings I receive from going!

Messages from Reagan:
Joy from mom of baby here who reagan handed a bag to go on & carry food for the baby when she comes to work at world vision primary school.

[Terri always taught that the kids to Yell WooooHooooo, whenever something Excited and FUN was happening!]
The teaching was "woooohooooo" as I went on sharing the GOOD NEWS.
The children were very many about 246 but very ready to learn from GOD through me.
Glory Glory unto God!!!

Message from Grace:
Grace hugging Musa & Nambi after receiving Christ as their Savior!!! Glory!

Again, to repeat what Sister Terri  said earlier.... " We are blessed more than we ever go there to bless others!"

This is PROOF that Mission Trips of teaching and sharing the Gospel along side nationals WORKS because they continue working in the field even when we are away!

Because the Harvest is Soooo Plentiful!

Mukama Yebazibwe!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Missions VBS at Norwood Baptist

This year's All Day VBS on June 23rd at Norwood Baptist Church in Forest, Virginia will be about World Missions with the focus on Uganda.  We are trusting the Lord, through us, to make an impact on the children and youth to "Do Anything...Go Anywhere" the Lord calls them, as we are ALL commissioned by Jesus Christ himself in Matthew 28: 19-20: 

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

The children will go through Customs as if they are traveling to Uganda and be taught some of the African culture.  For crafts, the children will be making "Faith Bracelets" that will be delivered to the children of Uganda on the pastor's next mission trip to Uganda on Feb. 2nd thru Feb.15th 2013.

If you would like to help out with our VBS, please email
Norwood Baptist using . 

Our prayer is that the youth of tomorrow will continue to have a heart for Missions and keep reaching out internationally to share God's Perfect Love, found only in His Son, Jesus Christ!

(VBS promoted in Bedford Bulletin and The-Burg)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Next Uganda Mission Trip Set for 2013

"All Aboard!"  for the next Short Term Medical Mission Trip to Uganda!

Scheduled for: February 2nd through 15th, 2013 !

Mark your calendars!

(For anyone that would like to go with us... ) 

If you already have a U.S. Passport, Grrrrr-eat!

If not, you will need to secure one.  You can find all the information about doing so at the U.S. Department of State's website.


Here are a few helpful tips in fulfilling the Passport requirements:
  1. If you have a printer available, it is best to complete the Passport Application (DS-11) online to take with you on your appointment to submit the form in person at one of the Passport Acceptance Facilities in your area. You can find a facility here:
  2. Many CVS Pharmacy Photo Labs are equipped to take Passport photos and this very inexpensive. Just make certain the background is actually "White", or the Passport Acceptance facility may reject them, causing a delay in your application. 

You will also need to make sure you have had or are up to date with your
immunizations/vaccinations. Click here for more information.

Anyone that would like to join the mission team needs to contact
the Mission Link Intl. office immediately. We need people with many skills: Medical, construction, church planting, computer software skills, children workers, etc.

Call the office at: (434) 984-1995

If you are NOT able to go, but would like to help contribute to ministering to those in Uganda, you can do so by clicking the "Donate" tab at the top of this page and giving a donation of any amount.  It will be greatly appreciated and used to bring Glory to God.

Several team members that plan to go need your assistance. If you would like to help them out, please type "Uganda Mission Trip fund" in the designation field on the donation page.

"Mukama Yebazibwe!" (Praise the Lord!)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Solar Power Needs in Uganda

While in Uganda with Mission Link International, I visited The Hill College School, accompanied by Pastor Timothy Sentongo of Busanna Baptist Church. At that time the school had about 256 students but in their regular semester I was informed they would have around 400 enrolled. The school was under construction and in the process of adding more buildings.

The Headmaster (Principal) explained to me that the school was in much need of electricity and the best way to provide that would be through solar panels that would supply them with enough to possibly have a computer lab in the future for the students.

Solar power is obviously the best choice since there is definitely no shortage of sunshine in Africa. The only concern would be for the school to protect the solar panels from being stolen as crime is still a real problem, as in any society. Most solar panels can be securely installed on the roofs of buildings, rather than on a pole or other easily accessed object.

The Hill College School is a Government-Owned Secondary School in Uganda. The School is found in Buikwe District and in Nyenga Sub-County. You can see the area of the school on this MAP by clicking here.

While visiting Busanna Baptist Church, I noticed what seemed like light bulbs mounted really close to the metal roofing inside the building. But was surprised to learn they were actually plastic water bottles that were giving off such a bright light. I found an article on CNN's website that explained one of these bottles filled with clean water can almost produce 60-watts worth of light. This sheds a whole new "light" on recycling!

If you would like to help Mission Link International and it's efforts in helping Uganda schools like The Hill College School, you can make a tax-deductible donation here.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Uganda Mission Trip - February 2012

As a pastor, I would like to share a little my recent Mission trip I went on in Uganda, Africa.

On February 3, 2012, I went with a team of 2 doctors, about 7 nurses, 1 other pastor, and 6 other volunteers. So 16 of us total held medical clinics each day during our 2 week stay Uganda and visited many villages. Altogether we treated 3,108 people medically and through our evangelism efforts we witnessed over 500 people who asked Jesus into their hearts for Salvation.

Praise the Lord! or "Mukama Yebazibwe!" in Lugandan.

The medical care and medicines we give are free to all who come to each clinic we setup. We raise funds
and Go to share God's Love to anyone and everyone who can not afford it otherwise.

Here's a video I created of some of the pictures while in Uganda: Uganda Mission Trip Video

It shows a few traveling pictures, as we all know traveling has its ups and downs.

My request is this... Would you consider helping with a donation of any size? This will help us to share Jesus with many more souls that are so desperate to hear the Good News, Gospel.

The organization is Mission Link International and you can view more information at
Mission Link has been serving numerous countries in Eastern Africa for over 17 years.

Click HERE to make a Tax-Deductible Donation.
*Please complete the Designation box if you want your donation to go towards helping with a specific cause, i.e. Widows United.

Mission Link now cares for over 400 widows and children.
Our main office in the U.S. is in Charlottesville, VA and in Uganda it is in Jinja.

May the Lord Bless You Richly as you bless others!

Pastor Todd Childers
Norwood Baptist Church
1045 Random Way
Forest, VA 24551