
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Missions VBS at Norwood Baptist

This year's All Day VBS on June 23rd at Norwood Baptist Church in Forest, Virginia will be about World Missions with the focus on Uganda.  We are trusting the Lord, through us, to make an impact on the children and youth to "Do Anything...Go Anywhere" the Lord calls them, as we are ALL commissioned by Jesus Christ himself in Matthew 28: 19-20: 

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

The children will go through Customs as if they are traveling to Uganda and be taught some of the African culture.  For crafts, the children will be making "Faith Bracelets" that will be delivered to the children of Uganda on the pastor's next mission trip to Uganda on Feb. 2nd thru Feb.15th 2013.

If you would like to help out with our VBS, please email
Norwood Baptist using . 

Our prayer is that the youth of tomorrow will continue to have a heart for Missions and keep reaching out internationally to share God's Perfect Love, found only in His Son, Jesus Christ!

(VBS promoted in Bedford Bulletin and The-Burg)


  1. I recognize that hand! I lovelovelove that picture with that precious little face peeking through. Jesus loves the little children of the world!
    Thank you, Norwood Baptist family, for making these bracelets so that we can bring the Gospel of Jesus to His children in Uganda!
    Hugging you through a prayer of thanksgiving!

  2. Praying with you over your VBS this week! Let me know how it is going!
    All for His Glory, Momma T

    1. Hey Terri, it was a great day. It was just All Day Saturday and the children loved making the bracelets. We made a total of 160 bracelets and the children learned things about the Ugandan culture, words in Swahili and Lugandan. The kids all took atleast one for themselves. Dana and I are going to finish what we have left of the 200 and order more for us and the youth to make during Wed Eve services. We found the best price at

  3. Thanks Todd! Just let me know your final count as I have several here that make them yearly for me...that is their part in the Great Commission with us each year!
    Please thank them from Momma Terri! Webale nyo!!!
